Haha recently I was bombarded by this particular question. Is not only 1 or 2 person who asked the question but is like quite a few of them. I was like... Wha seriously man... Haha I think you might be able to guess what the question is la. That is "When are you getting a boyfriend ah? Not young already lei..." Haha, I thought it was not my turn to answer or think about this question yet considering there are a lot other people who are unattached and older than me :P I guess it's time for me to face it man and also to get use to people asking me this question. But seriously la, I will think and pray about it once in a while la BUT I think I will just leave everything to God. Im sure HE had plan for me so I will just let the nature take its course??? Hahah No idea man.... :) Anyway sometimes during my deep thought, I will imagine IF let say I am attached, what will my life priority be like? Hey I really gave a serious thought on this and I think this is how I will rank it:
(1) God
(2) Church
(3) Family
(4) Career
(5) Friends
(6) Boyfriend OR MAYBE |(5) Friends + Boyfriend ??|
(7)....(10++) the rest of other stuff.....
Haha, I feel a bit paisei when i'm writing this lor but anyway this is just a thought la!!! Interesting ah lol! (",)
Monday, December 31, 2007
Seriously man...
Posted by
3:37 PM
Friday, December 28, 2007
Reflection from Mulan
A very nice song, bring back childhood memories...
Posted by
5:43 PM
Thursday, December 27, 2007
Princess is BACK!!
I am now finally updating my blog which almost turn mouldy after the busy period I had for the past few weeks and months haha lol! Events after events come with more new experiences, thoughts and reflections. The recent RAIN camp, Christmas Actually dinner, Block parties everywhere, cell bonding, office parties etc... had set me to think, reflect and learn. I have to admit that I am a deep thinker haha, for those who know me well should know that la. I should'nt say that this is a bad thing but I feel that sometime it is good to put on your thinking cap and reflect on certain things. I likes to do that during my free time or when I'm day dreaming in the office or at home esp on a raining day haha! 2007 is coming to an end and as I reflected back on the things I have done this year, I am really very proud of myself because I can see that I have grown a lot in terms of spiritually, maturity and of course physically! lol! (as in prettier la.. haha just kidding :p no la i guess fitter?? haa BUT it is definitely NOT growing side way (",) man!) I have learnt to let go of certain things, get on with life and focus on more serious stuff. Therefore, I am not the 2006 Geraldine anymore hee hee! God had been good to me and I am really really THANKFUL for what he had done in my life and for the people he sent into my life whom they gave me lots of joyous and exciting moments... This christmas was a cold, fat and a busy one. The Dec weather was really a cold one man. I have not been switching on my air-con for at least 2 months?? See, I am trying to save the electricity lei haha! I have also eaten lots of log cakes, ham, chicken, pork knuckles etc... during this festive season and I tell you, its so fattening man!! BUT luckily I am still maintaining my weight well hahaha! I had also a busy week thinking of what christmas present to buy for people... So do you think is that what christmas is just all about? Nope, there is more to it.... This is a devotion that I came upon and I was reminded again....
I heard that someone actually tried to calculate how much it would cost to give the gifts named in the classic Christmas song, "The Twelve Days of Christmas." The grand total came to about $15,000.
Some items were affordable, like a partridge in a pear tree for $34.99. Six turtledoves will run you somewhere around $50. Six geese-a-laying will cost around $150.
But the price soars when you add 11 pipers piping. That is $1,000 right there. Then there are the 12 drummers drumming. With current union scale for musicians, they will run you another $1,000.
The price really soars when you get 12 lords-a-leaping. We are talking $3,000 for them. Granted, I don't know where you would find them, but they are very expensive.
But the real message of Christmas is not the gifts we give each other. Rather, it is a reminder of the gift that God has given to each of us. It is the only gift that truly keeps on giving, so I want to point out four things about it.
First, it is surprising. When Christmas rolls around, you often try to figure out if certain people have bought that gift you really wanted. Maybe you already know what they bought, because they didn't hide it very well. Or maybe you uncovered it by accident—or maybe not. But when the day comes and you open the present, you have to pretend you're surprised. Yet all along, you knew what it was. God's gift to us, however, was a complete surprise. It was not expected and, as you examine it more carefully, you realize how great a gift it actually was.
Second, God's gift came to us in the humblest of wrappings. What would you think if you saw a gift under your Christmas tree that was wrapped in newspaper and tied up with string? At first, you would probably assume that a guy wrapped it.
But think about God's gift to us. Jesus was not born in a palace of gold; He was born in a stable. He was clothed in rags. He was laid in a feeding trough. Yet these things do not, in any way, diminish the story of Christ's birth. If anything, they help us realize the great sacrifice God made for us. God's gift to humanity, the ultimate gift of eternal life through His Son, Jesus Christ, came in the simplest and humblest of wrappings.
Third, we don't deserve this gift. At Christmas, we give gifts to the people we care about, the ones who have been kind to us over the past year, or the ones who have given us a gift first. We don't give gifts to the person who has been slandering our name, or to the angry neighbor who never has a kind word to say. Yet God gave us His gift when we were His enemies. He didn't give this gift to us because we deserved it. In fact, it was just the opposite. The Bible tells us, "But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us" (Romans 5:8 NKJV).
Fourth, the gift tells us something about the giver. When you want to give someone a gift, you start thinking about it ahead of time. Hopefully, you try to find what that person wants or needs. When God decided to give us the gift of eternal life, it wasn't something that He just thought of on the fly. Long before there was a town called Bethlehem, a garden called Eden, or a planet called Earth, a decision was made in eternity that God would send forth His Son, born of a woman, to redeem those who are under the law.
The Bible says that He was slain from the foundation of the world (see Revelation 13:8). Make no mistake about it: this gift that God has given to us was the most sacrificial thing He possibly could have offered.
So Christmas isn't about those gifts that you have under your tree right now. All of those things will be gone one day. All that will be left after this life is the human soul, and that will live forever. We will put so much stock in what we have, but this is all going to pass away.
Life is about what happens beyond the grave. Life is about knowing the God who made you and who gave you the greatest gift you will ever receive.
Personally I feel that giving gifts on during christmas is also a way of showing God's love to other people and it doesn't matter how much it cost and how big is that, agree?? To end of, just wanna to say a very BIG Merry Christmas to everyone!
Posted by
2:21 PM
Monday, October 15, 2007
Saturday, September 22, 2007
I'm flying on the Jet Plane....
Over over my current position is in Thailand airport in one of the lounges haha! Since I'm so free now so thought of spending this time to update my blog. You may ask me what am I doing in Thailand at this wee hour? Haha the reason is because in an hour time, I will be sitting on the Jet Plane to Germany-Frankfurt!! Ain't that exciting??? I have been looking foward to this trip like a month ago and finally the day has come! My first time to a European country! Envy ah? haa lol! :) Anyway, I kept telling my colleague that I have this kind of mixed feeling for this trip, half the time I am feeling really excited but somehow or rather I feel a bit nervous. I guess the trip to my final destination-KASSEL is quite complicated because after reaching Franfurt airport, I need to take a train and then to take a cab to my hotel upon reaching KASSEL. I have done quite a lot of research on KASSEL in the internet but there is not much information about it. Maybe this explains why I am so nervous haha but anyway just leave everything to God, he will make a way for me and my colleague. I believe it will be a good trip!! Ok, I shall stop here, need to catch on to my next flight. I will try to update the blog with more stories about my trip! Ciao...!
Posted by
11:55 PM
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Joke of the day!!
Haha let me tell you a joke must laugh ok? Whahaa lol! Yesterday, I was asking my colleague to help me to unlock and reset the password for my user in the system. My user ID in the system is "DV80FOO" which she does know about it since she worked here for more than 1 year already??? However, I do not know how come she typed in as "DV80FOOL". I was behind her watching and I am quite stunt. A lot of question mark flying around my head lor and at that time I don't know whether I should laugh or feel offended.... Ok thats a small joke for the day, hope you like it whhahahaha! **Oh man how come im luffing at my own joke lol.... Yawn... back to work....
Posted by
1:38 PM
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
10 reasons why I believe in Christ?
These are the 10 reasons that I have come up... Haha I took almost few hours to come up with all the reasons :)
1)God sent his son, Jesus to die on the cross and wash away our sins!
2)God is so real to me. Through these years as a Christian, I really experience God’s love, graciousness, kindness, faithfulness etc... That is why Christianity is not a religion. It is a relationship with God, as you know him better; you will know that he is more than a friend. He is a special someone!
3)I like this unique relationship where I can pour out all my worries to HIM. When I am happy, I will share the joy with God. God is the one that had been guiding me through difficulties. He gave good advice and even a warning sign when I took the wrong route in my life. He also sent many people into my life whom had been a blessing to me through these years…
4)God is a miracle God! He saved my life 3 years ago in a cassna crash accident. This is indeed a great testimony! I am able to share this with all my friends testifying God’s goodness and miraculous intervention!
5)God is a forgiving and gracious God. Whenever I have done something wrong, I know God always never fail to forgive me. He never blames. However, it is a learning lesson from him to me and I am really grateful to him! This is where I gain the experience as a Christian!
6)Wonderful stories ever told – The bible! Interesting stories written in it and I enjoyed reading it. I am able to learn a lot from the bible.
7)I enjoy worshipping him. I love the praise and worship songs. I love to dwell in God’s presence when I can completely focus on him alone. Whenever I sing his song, there is peace within me, it is such a special feeling. I remember when my dad is lying in the hospital having great pain; we will sing all the worship songs to him. Whenever the songs are being sung, we can see the pain in him decreases and the next thing you know, he is sleeping soundly already. Haha, I miss my DAD!!
8)I have received a lot of blessings from God in terms of friendship, spiritual gifts, money, occupation etc…
9)I enjoy serving the Lord!
10) AND all and above, GOD loves me and I love GOD! My great daddy!
Have you given a thought on what are the 10 reasons for believing in Christ?
Posted by
4:04 PM
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
Ability vs. Availability
But we have this treasure in earthen vessels, that the excellence of the power may be of God and not of us.
— 2 Corinthians 4:7
When Peter and John were brought before the Sanhedrin, it was a source of complete amazement that these untrained laymen could be so well-versed in the Scriptures—and more importantly, in their understanding. They were ordinary fishermen, salt-of-the-earth-type people. This doesn't mean they were illiterate. But they had not attended the rabbinical schools or spent their lives in the study of the Scripture.
Acts 4:13 tells us that when these religious leaders "saw the boldness of Peter and John, and perceived that they were uneducated and untrained men, they marveled. And they realized that they had been with Jesus." These simple fishermen appeared to be better-equipped than the professionals were. How did this happen? The disciples had been with Jesus. They were boldly sharing their faith. They knew the Scriptures. They were men who prayed.
This should give hope and encouragement to those who think of themselves as ordinary people. Maybe God has not called you to be a pastor, a missionary, or some professional ministry position. But God can use you too. It is clear that He is looking for ordinary men and women to bring the gospel message to others.
God can use you where you are. The opportunities are there. There is a mission field where you work. There is a mission field where you go to school. There is a mission field in your neighborhood. You are God's representative, and He is calling you to go into this world and speak up for Him. God is not looking so much for ability as He is looking for availability. So make yourself available to Him.
Posted by
8:28 PM
Monday, August 27, 2007
Food appetite
Have you ever wonder what kind of people, situation and mood will affect your food appetite? As I was having a meal the other day, this thought came to my mind. To me, it does makes a lot of difference! I am not trying to emo or bias here but I guess it will somehow affect your appetite if you are eating with someone you don't really know, someone whom you like(maybe your crush or your usual gang of frens haha! lol!) or even someone you don't really like? Imagine you are eating alone with somebody you don't really know, you will feel a bit awkward at the beginning because you have not much things to talk about except conversations involved like "What are you doing now? Studying or working? / How is your work etc..." For me, I will definitely don't enjoy my meal because i just feel that this kind of situation is too awkward already. It will make things worse when the other party is too quiet and there you are constantly trying to think of things to say to him/her, I guess this kind of meal is too tiring hahah! On the another hand, if you are eating with your usual group of friends, esp if you are feeling moody, they will definitely make your day! How about eating with your crush? Will you be a abit abnormal because you have to display your best look in front of him/her? Or maybe be in your usual self? Ha for me, I guess I will like to be in my usual self but of course with some basic table manners la because I guess this is the basic respect for both parties. I think the more careful you are in trying to display your best in front of people, the more blunder you make haha so that's why I will choose to be natural!! Oh yes, that's the word lol! Does the eating place makes a difference too? I guess somehow it does la cos if you are eating in dirty places where you can see rats and crokcoaches running around, I don't think you even dare to swallow anything that is in your mouth man... What about eating in a posh restaurant with so many kind of utensils in front of you? I feel that it will be too stressed to eat in such places, maybe once or twice in a year its ok la or maybe on some special occasions! :)
Posted by
10:42 AM
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
My 21st!
Was exploring the new software introduced by Mr Goh and decided to do a collage for my 21st Birthday last year!
Posted by
2:01 PM
Friday, August 10, 2007
Haha pardon me but recently I got this BIG craving for DONUTS!!! Actually the craving has been going on since I came back from Taiwan. The donuts that I ate are super uber nice man!! I think this is a season of Donut craze hahaa lol!!! There are also a lot of donut stores entering into Singapore market recently and do you know that people queue for almost 2 hours to buy donuts from this store name "Donut Factory"?? I know this sounds crazy but I wouldn't mind queuing if it taste heavenly good :) Anyway here are some donut pictures, please don't drool!! Whahah!
Posted by
5:24 PM
Santa Claus is NEVER coming to town... haha!
Have you spent enough time reading God's word and worshipping him? How is your faith level, will you stumble when devil come in your way?? This is always a question that is in my mind most of the time... Whenever I have absolute no time with God, I will spend some moments reading the devotion taken from http://www.harvest.org in the office. Along came this particular devotion that spoke deeply into my heart....
No, Virginia, there is no Santa Claus, but I am sorry to say there is a Satan.
Now don't get me wrong. I'm not talking about the character in a red suit with the horns and pitchfork. I'm talking about the real spirit-being the Bible calls the devil, or Satan. And if you have put your faith in Jesus Christ, you need to know that he's going to set his sights on you.
Becoming a Christian—the best decision you ever made—doesn't mean you'll be walking on sunlit paths through California poppies for the rest of your life.
In fact, that decision launched a war that will follow you all of your days until Jesus takes you to His Father's house. "Conversion," someone wrote, "has made our hearts a battlefield."
Just as you came to realize there is a God who loves you, you also must come to understand that there is a devil who hates you.
Not only that, but the devil wants to pull you right back into sin—right back into the snares and traps and sorrows of the old life from which you just escaped. In one of the stories Jesus told, sometimes called "the parable of the sower," He spoke about what happens right after the living seed of God's Word is planted in someone's heart: "And these are the ones by the wayside where the word is sown. When they hear, Satan comes immediately and takes away the word that was sown in their hearts" (Mark 4:15 NKJV).
If the evil one fails in that task, he will simply battle with you, contending each forward step you take for Jesus Christ. The devil's ultimate objective, as the Lord tells us in John 10:10, is to "to steal, and to kill, and to destroy" (NKJV). So until the day we finally walk through the doorway of heaven, spiritual warfare will rage on.
The believer may be known by his inward warfare as well as by his inward peace. This battle is not against flesh and blood. It is spiritual battle! With a very real devil. As Martin Luther wrote in the classic hymn:
For still our ancient foe
Doth seek to work us woe.
His craft and power are great,
and armed with cruel hate
On earth is not his equal.
We should never underestimate the devil. He is a sly and skillful adversary, with thousands of years of experience dealing with mankind. But even though he is a wily and powerful foe, he also has clear weaknesses and can be overcome.
If we want to effectively resist him, first we need to understand his "M.O."—his method of operation. The Bible says, "Resist the devil and he will flee from you" (James 4:7 NKJV).
But how do you do that?
First, you resist him by knowing his strategies and weaknesses, and there are many. Let me start by sharing with you a few things the devil does not want you to know.
1. Satan is not the equal of God.
It isn't even close!
God is omnipotent. He is unlimited in power and might. Satan is not. Yes, Satan has great power—more than any man and most angels—yet he is nowhere near being the equal of our God.
God is omniscient. He knows everything there is to know, down to the tiniest, atom-sized details. Satan does not. Our adversary is not omniscient. He has a powerful intellect, a long memory, and from experience knows many things—far more than people. But only God is all-knowing.
God is omnipresent. There is nowhere that He is not! He is everywhere at once all the time. Satan is limited. As an individual personality, he can only be in one place at one time. So when we say "the devil is hassling or tempting me," it's probably not true. It is his power working through a well-organized network of demonic forces.
But there is another thing the devil doesn't want you to know.
2. Satan is subject to God's permission.
The evil one can do nothing in the life of a believer without permission from God. The book of Job gives an account of the angels presenting themselves before God—an amazing, behind-the-scenes look at what happens in the spiritual realm.
One day the angels came to present themselves before the LORD, and Satan the Accuser came with them. "Where have you come from?" the LORD asked Satan. And Satan answered the LORD, "I have been going back and forth across the earth, watching everything that's going on." Then the LORD asked Satan, "Have you noticed my servant Job? He is the finest man in all the earth—a man of complete integrity. He fears God and will have nothing to do with evil." Satan replied to the LORD, "Yes, Job fears God, but not without good reason! You have always protected him and his home and his property from harm. You have made him prosperous in everything he does. Look how rich he is!" (Job 1:6–10 NLT)
Understand some important truth from this text. First, see that Satan—even after his fall—still has access to the throne of God. He lost his once high-ranking position, but he still has access. But see also that in spite of his power and wicked agenda, he has to ask permission when it comes to the child of God, because of this "hedge of protection" God has put in place.
3. The intercession of Jesus for you.
In one instance in the Gospel of John, it appears that Satan himself specifically asked for Simon Peter by name. Jesus said to Peter: "Simon, Simon, behold, Satan has demanded permission to sift you like wheat; but I have prayed for you, that your faith may not fail; and you, when once you have turned again, strengthen your brothers" (Luke 22:31–32, NASB).
Apparently, Peter was such a "big fish" that Satan himself went knocking. Thankfully, God knows our breaking point and won't give us more then we can handle. That's a promise!
So remember this. If you are a Christian, you better expect to see some real spiritual warfare in your life. But take heart. Satan is not the equal of God by any means, and he can't harass you without obtaining God's permission. Best of all, you have the Lord Jesus right there beside you, praying for you to fight the good fight of faith and overcome the evil one.
That seems to me to be more than enough of a reason to put your faith in Jesus Christ! So the next time the devil comes knocking at your door, you can say, "Lord, would you mind getting that?"
Is God speaking to you right now?? :)
Posted by
5:12 PM
Thursday, August 9, 2007
Thus far has the Lord helped us... 1 Sam 7:12
The Day of his power at Singapore indoor stadium yesterday was AWESOME man!!! I felt so refreshed and more excited in doing God's work. Yesterday's theme verse was "Thus far has the Lord helped us..." It was taken from the book of Samuel, what it is trying to say is that through the years since Singapore was found, the Lord had been gracious to us. He had blessed Singapore so much that it becomes a prosperous Lion City! Look at Singapore now, look at the buildings and green environment, small as it seems but mighty it can be! Amen?? The prayer concert yesterday was really so amazing and everyone is just so high! I was emailing my colleagues in Dubai who are also christian yesterday that all the christians are going to gather and pray for our nation. They told me that we are very blessed to do that together because as you know Dubai is a Muslim country, christian cannot preach the gospel so freely or they will be caught and put to jail. They told me that they really missed this kind of event where they can pray and worship God together in the public place. Look, we are so so blessed to be placed in such country. We should do more for God ya?? Anyway it was really fun gathering in event like this with all the different denominations and people from different countries. We prayed for our nations, other countries and 3 generations from the 50s-60s, 30s-40s and the younger generation which includes me. All of us done a prophectic act whereby each one of us will hold on to the stone with the theme verse engraved with our right hand and a small booklet filled with verses placing near to our heart. After that, all of us said a prayer together representing each generation. That was the last part and it was like a grand finale and it ended with some worship and praise songs... The whole thing ended at ard 11 and you can see the smile on each one of us leaving the place feeling renewed and refreshed. Really want to praise the Lord!!! AMEN! Whoaaa hoo.... hahah
Posted by
3:04 PM
Friday, August 3, 2007
All the best Volkswagen INTERN
Today is the last day for the intern in our department. His name is Wei Xiong. I can describe him as a "gentle" guy, who behaves quite different from the friends that I know. I can say that his inner him is like a girl haha but I can guarantee you that he is 100% GUY!! Anyway, at the start I did have a struggle teaching him stuff because he tends to forget what I have taught him. I found a person that is more blur than me!!! lol!! He told me before that he don't really like working in that environment, being desk-bound therefore he dread of going to work everyday but guess what he went through these 6 months, applause for you man!! His role as a intern in our department is to do all his daily task which is quite a routine so this explains his agony and complaints. He will always follow whatever is written in the documentation so when certain situations occurred and if it is not the exact case as what is written in the documentation, he will say "I don't know how to do, it is not in the documentation..." Actually, the way of solving the problem is somehow similiar but I think he is just not flexible. This is the same as Maths some problem sum, the workings are the same but the scenario is not the same... Whenever he tells me this, I will like .... ok..... Hahah however, he did improve down the months, able to be take control of any situations and be pro-active! Another applause for him again!!! Seriously speaking, working with him is not that easy at the beginning maybe because I am too used to the working style of the previous intern, Jamie. She is really good and I can rely on her to do anything hahaa so I think this explains the expectation that I have for him. I just want to say sorry to him here for the times that I had treated him harshly. Time really flies, today is his last day and whenever an intern is leaving I will be a bit affected because whatever it is, I have spent the last 6 months with each one of them. I have built the friendship, the bond with each one of them. Natually I will feel sad because I will always remember the fun time we had during lunch/tea break. Haha, seriously I am already missing the times when we crap together but life still moves on... Haha..
Since today is his last day, I decided to release him some of the work so that he can feel more relax on his last day. When it is around 5:55pm, reality hits me because I know that next week the intern's sit will be empty haha ok I am not trying to be emotional here but this is just a sudden thought at that time. At this point of time, he came to my desk with his red eyes and with some tears rolling down his cheeks. I was like SHOCK!!! He is the first intern that cried on the last day!!! Seeing the tears rolling down, I was also affected and can you believe it, i cried with him!! He can even ask me "Why did you cry ah?" I was like, YOU made me cry la! I quickly called my colleague to save me from that situation. After that, both of us keep consoling him and keep telling him that he can always come back and visit us. He is quite funny lor, he apologise to us for being so emo that day... HAHAHA, I am so amazed man!! Just want to say all the best in your future endeavor....
Posted by
7:07 PM
Friday, July 27, 2007
Duet by Xian Gui and Zhuo Wen Xuan
A new nice song duet that I recently found...
Posted by
1:32 PM
Monday, July 23, 2007
Thru it all...
Through it all, I know my God is in control
Like the sun after the storm
His love come shining thru'
Yes I know, his love for me is greater than all my trials
Like a child in his arm
He'll carry me through it all...
Posted by
2:44 PM
Friday, July 6, 2007
Experience his LOVE once again...
Posted by
5:39 PM
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
I got back my results!!
I just got back my last semester module results and nothing can contain my happiness! I feel like jumping and running around the classroom but obviously I did not do that. Haha ^_^! The first thing I want to do is to share with all of you guys!
I was browsing through my uni student intranet and then I thought of checking whether my module results are out. I went into the examination corner, click on the result link. Usually, before I clicked that link, I will feel my thumping heart because I know that the result will be displayed in just split seconds. However, this time round, it feels a bit different. I was not expecting to see the result on the screen because normally they will send us an email to inform us that the result are released. Since I have not received the email, I was not expecting much. Think this could be the reason... Then before I know it, there came popping up of the screen which shows my result. I saw a C and D! A tiny weeny bit of disappointment went through my heart cos I thought I could at least get a B but was thinking to myself: ok its not bad already, at least I have made an improvement considering that I always only get a PASS for the past 3 modules. I looked at my GPA on the result slip, C-2.0 and D-3.0. It then struck me, how in the world that a Grade D GPA points is higher than a C??? After a short thought, I concluded that maybe the RMIT system is different from what we have in the Poly. Couldn't care much, I closed the window and get ready for my class. Being curiousity on what is the range of marks in terms of C and D, I turned to my textbook. To my surprise, C stands for Credit(which is equal to a B) with marks ranges from 60-69 and D stands for DISTINCTION!! My mind freezed for a second then slowly reorganising my thoughts. THEN I realise D is a DISTINCTION!!! That explains why the GPA points is higher! Haha blur me...
Hee~ I got a distinction Distinction DISTINCTION!!! I was like so happy and happy and happy man! This is my first Distinction appearing in my UNI course, it was not easy to get a DISTINCTION in RMIT because you have to do well for both assignments and exam with each stand 50% of the overall mark. I know it is the grace of God that I pulled through, Thank You Daddy! I was also happy that I got a Credit for one of the module because that was the paper that I did not manage to finish; getting a Credit is a MIRACLE! Therefore I promised myself to continue to work hard for my rest of the modules. Please do continue to keep me in prayer yah??
In God's Grace, there is mercy and kindness...
Princess Geraldine @ Class... :)
Posted by
8:12 PM
Thursday, June 7, 2007
Ok I was sick yesterday and today, this started yesterday afternoon in the office. My head was spinning yesterday so I took 1 pill of panadol. I thought I will feel better after eating the pill but NO!! My whole body was then getting weaker and feeling very dizzy and then I took another pill. Yesterday was a farewell dinner for a colleague of mine and I would not want to miss it because they have already booked for that number of people so I told myself I will go for an hour and will go home after that. I really pray very hard and told God whatever it is, to sustain me and let me carry on at least 1 hour in the dinner. We went to this wine network place where they sells premium white and red wine from all over countries like Italy, Germany, Africa, New Zealand etc... The first hour was good, I was feeling a bit better. Haha I even took around 3 glasses of white and red wine. I don't know what am I thinking yesterday nite man, I was not feeling well and I took wine?? Haha ok its my fault!!! Anyway around 9pm, I could not take it already and so I went home. When I reached home, I have a quick shower and went to sleep. After a while, I woke up having my whole body feeling very hot, I think my temperature is like reaching 38 degree or more lor. I was so feeling unwell, asked my sis, Jasmine to get towel for me to bring down the temperature. She was very sweet, she made honey water and help me to put some medicated oil on my forehead. I ate another pill of panadol and fell asleep again BUT this was not the end yet!!! I woke up again, still feeling feverish and very uncomfortable. My mum came back, scolded me saying that because of my late nites and that is why I fall sick... Oh well, it is true la so I did not say anything when she scolded me... : After that, I ate another pill, I tell you never in my life I took 3 fever pills in one day man! I went back to sleep, this time round feeling much better but I still woke up quite a few times feeling very very uncomfotable. I really feel like as if i am going to die, the feeling was really unbearable!!! I prayed and I sob and I am alive once again!! Haha, at that time I was thinking if I am feeling this way, how about those people who are battling with cancer and illness?? I salute to all of them, the mighty warriors!!! Anyway, still having a bit of fever so shant talk so much...
- Sick and Weak Princess Geraldine -
Posted by
7:30 PM
Wednesday, June 6, 2007
Today is yet another working day... :) I have just finish lunching with my colleagues at the food court in Dawson Place. We ate chi cha, ordered curry fish head, kang kong, claypot tofu, sweet and sour pork. It was nice and delicious, I was so full and I really feel like sleeping after that. It was quite a good time chatting and joking with all of them over lunch. After that, we went to our fave. hang out place. Make a guess? Hahah, it is actually NTUC lol! I tell you this is our everyday after lunch entertainment haha man, dun play play ok whaha! Ok, so we bought a few packets of tidbits to top up our mini pantry which is located at my desk haha. Since I came back with my Taiwan food, my place become a mini pantry. During tea time, my colleagues will just come to my desk, eat the tidbits and we will exchange small chats. This is a good social time and it is when our friendship grow deeper. I must say without the entertainment from my colleagues, I will be bored to death in the office. Thank God for colleagues!
- Back to Work... -
Posted by
2:33 PM
Monday, May 28, 2007
Twinkle Twinkle Little Star
Posted by
6:33 PM
Friday, May 25, 2007
You are my HEROINE!
Since yesterday, our system had some problems that we cannot solved so usually we will ask the people in India to assit us. They are the 2nd level while we are the 1st level supportting the SAP system. It was quite a big HU HA yesterday night because the error in the system affected countries like Singapore, Russia, Dubai, Korea, Japan, all the goods are in the warehouose waiting to be shipped out but it was being delayed cos of this problem. Therefore the 2nd level have to make some changes to the program, ok save the details, let me get straight to the point. Anyway, I was stuck in the office yesterday night for quite a while to wait for their call and confirmation that everything is ok. So... the battle was kind of over yesterday. However, there are still some minor changes needed to be done cos we are still receiving complains from our users. My boss was quite angry with the 2nd level support people because they are not professional enough and it kind of screwing up the system. She wrote this quite a long email to them, scolding and advising them. After reading the mail, I was like "WOW she is my HEROINE man" ONLY my boss is so brave to do this kind of thing and out of the sudden this song came to my mind (change the lyrics a bit or it will sound too mushy haha) :
Posted by
11:29 AM
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
In christ, we have the VICTORY!
Posted by
11:15 AM
Just got back from Lien's SoLead grad, a ministry course which she went thru for 9mths... It is something similiar to Tung Ling's grad, quite a grand affair. Each time I attend this kind of ceremony, the similiar question always appear in my mind "When is my turn?" I always wanted to go for Tung Ling Bible School but was not able to do it either because I have no money for that course back then or still bonded with my company at the moment. Sometimes I got this rash moment wanting to quit my job and stop my studies to attend Tung Ling. However, this is not what God wants me to do and of course I din do it :) Therefore I have told God that I will be going to Tung Ling right after I finish my bond with my company. This is a promise I made with God! The theme for tonight's graduation is PASSIONATE. The speaker talks about passionate about serving God just like apostle Paul who is one of the good example that is very passion in serving the Lord since the day he knew Jesus Christ. He perserve, having priority and knows his position as God's servant throughout his days on earth. I was quite inspired by today's message and I hope to have the kind of passion that what Paul had.
Posted by
12:12 AM
Thursday, May 17, 2007
Need PRAYER right now!
All my hairs are slowy standing up man... Right now, I have a lot of things on hand. I am in charge of planning the program for the "Royal Night" in our GB/BB camp on 1-3 June since I came up with the idea so naturally it will be in my charge but I am gladly receiving the arrow :) Ok, so this is something like "Prom Night" and all the boys and girls will be dressed in their best, we will have games/dinner etc... The most exciting part is that we will be choosing the Prince/Princess of Camp 2007... Haha, coool huh?? Next, I am going to plan the games in our Children Church's retreat, planning for the next YPM bonding on 30th June and a station master in our upcoming BB Bible Quiz, The S-WORD Play! In addition, I have my school assignments... Therefore, I am simply overwhelmed with everything. I am enjoying myself serving the Lord. I just need a lot of God's strength to sustain and support me or I will just explode and boo.. It will be quite bad, so please pray with me you brothers and sisters in christ reading my blog right now! Thank you!
"... I know my GOD is in control..."
PrInCesS Geraldine once again! Good night!
Posted by
11:54 PM
Monday, May 14, 2007
Spider man 3
Last sat, I went out with Kev see, Wanhui, Carol and bea for dinner at Bugis. We have "Ma La" steamboat, the meal was quite interesting! We have 2 different type of soup base, chicken and spicy. After a sip of the spicy soup, everybody was like shouting for help and kept drinking lots of water and eating the ice. I think that was quite funny man... haha. Carol eat until her whole lips are red and Wan Hui says that she looks like snow white because her complexion are quite fair and her lips are very red :), it was quite true man haha. Anyway, bea was having problem with her stomach after eating the steamboat, tink maybe the steamboat is too spicy already. She suddenly got up from her seat and went out to walk around. All of us are quite shock and getting a bit worried because she just went out without telling us where is she going. After few minutes, she came back with her face looking so pale man. Bea, seriously this is my first time seeing you with a pale look after drinking the spicy soup!! haha. Ok, so after a while she got up and went to the toilet... She came back perspiring and said to us "everything came out!" She gave a relief look... Really thank God!
Then after the dinner, all 4 of us girls went for Spider Man 3 movie in Bugis. Before the movie starts, as usual there will be lots of movie preview. There were so many movies I would want to watch man --> Pirates, Fantastic 4 Part 2, This animated show about rats teaching a human to cook?? Interesting huh?? This is what I like about watching advertisements before the movie, you can know all the upcoming movies. Spider Man 3 lasted for around 2Hr 20Mins. It was quite a good show, I quite like this show cos it is quite touching and meaningful... This movie teaches us that we have a choice in everything we do, wrong choice will lead to the wrong way while the right choice will lead us to the right path. This sounded quite blibical man, making a right choice is what God wants us to do! Overall, I enjoyed myself that evening, it was fun watching movie, eating and chatting with friends!
Posted by
11:00 AM
Saturday, May 12, 2007
Some Taiwan photos to share with all of you! Enjoy!

Posted by
1:02 PM
Friday, May 11, 2007
247, Alexandra Road
247, Alexandra Road? You should be wondering what on earth am I trying to say? Hahah, that is my new office address. It is located in between Queenstown and Redhill MRT. Before I moved into this new office, I kept complaining to my colleague because that place is like super "wu lu", not much life there and the only mall we have is Dawson Place. From the outside, Dawson Place looked really sad man... There are also not much things around that area except lots of car showroom. I was telling God, why are you moving us from Great World?? I know in my heart that God has every reasons to do that. Indeed God revealed to me the reasons!
signing off - princess Geraldine...
Posted by
3:20 PM
Tuesday, May 8, 2007
Chef Chan Restaurant
Due to the increase of our car parts sales, we have a mini celebration in this restaurant situated at Odeon Tower, next to Carlton Hotel on mon nite. Before going for the dinner, my colleague had already sent out an email saying that this Chef Chan is quite a famous chef among the Asia countries. He won like quite a lot of awards and was a chef in well-known singapore hotels like Pan Pacific and Hua Ting Restuarant in Orchard Hotel. He had since written his own cookbook and his third one is to be published somewhere this year! I heard his book is like costing $300 over man, that is so kua chang la! Now, he own his own restaurant but apparently it is going to close down at the end of May and will be opening a private restaurant. Hahah, when I was reading the email, I was thinking to myself "Oh man, I wonder if the food is gonna taste good? Why did my colleague proposed to have the celebration there? That is so weird!" Isn't that irony? He was so called to be famous but his restaurant is going to close down? I was so looking forward to the dinner man cos that email was quite interesting lol! So, we went to the restaurant and the dinner started at around 7.30pm. The restaurant ambience was not bad, it has this chi-na chi-na layout, with a lot of chinese couplet etc..., quite cosy... We were then served with the first dish - fried sotong. I took it and place into my mouth... Gosh, it is so delicious man, the outside is crispy and the inside is chewy. Are you drooling already? Hahha. Subsequently, we have soup, pork ribs, salted chicken, fish, veg, prawn, fried vermicili, sesame red bean thingy ha forgot wat is it called. So so so nice lor. I like the wasabi prawn, so unique and delicious. It was definitely a nice dinner, worth goin!
Posted by
8:42 PM
Sunday, May 6, 2007
Raindrops falling on my head...
It was raining for the last few days in Singapore.. I was on my way to work on this particular day and these few thoughts just came into my mind that describes the rain....
Rain is one of God's wonderful creation
The plattering sound seems melodious
When you closes your eyes, it seems so peaceful hearing it
You could see the sprouting of umbrella
Different colors, shapes and prints
It looks like flowers blomming everywhere
Interesting isn't it?
After the rain, there is this freshness
A clear sky once again
Beautiful rainbow appearing to bring a smile on one's face :)
I love rainy days expecially when you are at home under your blanket in the cosy corner of your bed! I always feel that rain will give a kind of romantic feeling. At times at home, whenever it rains, I will close my eyes and feel the cool breeze blowing towards my face. It feels so relaxing! I will also love to look out of my window, watching the raindrops. A beautiful scene indeed! Don't you agree? Heehee!
Thank you God for the wonderful creation!
Posted by
7:10 PM
Wednesday, May 2, 2007
Finally updatting my blog
Hello, haha I guess I have not been updating my blog for quite a while... Some of you have been asking me "You never update you blog ah??" I really want to update my blog and share some of the things with you guys but I was too busy in everything and so here I am updating my blog once again. Anyway, I just came back from Taiwan not long ago. I really enjoyed myself there, the shopping, sightseeing and food!! It's been so so long since our whole family travelled together, it is really a good time of catching up and fellowship considering all of us are so busy with our work, study etc... :)
In this trip, God is always with us and I am really thankful for HIM! On the day of the departure, as me and my elder sis booked the ticket through the internet, we need to produce the same credit card as what we have stated during the booking. As my mother was not aware about it, she did not bring out the similar card. When the counter staff told us that, all of us was like oppss.... We have 3 options and that is either to buy another 2 tickets which will cost much more expensive, go back home to get the card or STAY in Singapore! Hahha, obviously we will NOT choose the last option la.. In the end, my mother went back home with Vennie who is very nice to give us a lift. My mother was so worried man and from her face you can tell that she is feeling very bad because of that. God then reminded me that HE is with us and told me not to worry. I immediately called my mother and reassure that and asked her not to worry too much BECAUSE we still have a lot of time since we reached the airport like 2 1/2 hours early?. This is like all planned by God. Isn't God great? We were left with some time even after mum is back in the airport! All of us had passed the test that God had given us - PATIENCE and FAITH! ^_^ Because we believe HIM, all things are safe under his wings... This is a little testimony from me sharing with all you and hope that you will be reminded again of his LOVE, MERCY and GRACE! MuaCkS! Hee~ :P
So now let me share with you more of my trips... Let me tell you how many things that I bought from Taiwan :>
1) 10 over tops
2) 4 Skirts
3) 3 Bags
4) 6 pair of shoes
5) sunglasses
6) umbrella
7) earrings/accessories
8) Local food
Is that all?? Hahah nope, I have still some more things that I have bought for all my dear frens! If you ask me what is the one thing that I enjoyed the most out of this trip? I can tell you, I enjoyed my every single day there until that I don't feel like coming back man. One thing that I asked from God for the trip was to let every single day pass by very very slowly... God did answer my prayer hahah, it seems that we are there for 2 weeks!! Does it mean that I really enjoyed myself so much or is it that I am missing all my frens in Singapore??? I guess both la... The shopping and eating in their Ye Shi (night market) was a good expericen. There are like so much food, clothings, shoes, tops, bottoms etc.... If you are there, I think you will shop like crazy man. Anyway, we went to a lot of night market/shopping areas like Ximending, Shilin, Rao He, Shi Da, Wu Fen Pu, Dan Shui etc... Some of their shoes are like very cheap lor. I manage to get 2 working shoes at $9 each and is that nice looking kind one. Isn't that so worth? Usually, we just settle our dinner at the ye shi, we will walk and eat at the same time; We always got full eating in that manner cos there are like so many roadside foodstall and is also super delicious, oh gosh im drooling... :)
Another highlights is the ferris wheel that we sat on that very last night in Taiwan. It was quite magnificent and is cheap!! It cost around $7, can you imagine that Singapore is charging at $30?? We could see quite a nice view from the ferris wheel and I guess that it would be a romantic ride with your date... Opps, I think I have written far too much. However, I have actually more to share la but I think this posting is getting too long so I shall end here and will update and share more of my other happenings that I had the past few days. So stay tuned, cya!
Posted by
10:11 PM
Monday, April 16, 2007
KnOwing GOD's Will: A journey with Captain Jesus
As our Senior Pastor needs to recuperate after his jaw operation, Rev. Derek Hong (Church of our Saviour) kindly took over the sermon yesterday in our church. He titled his sermon "Knowing God's Will"; this is an interesting topic to most of us christian. There are a lot of areas that we need to know the will and direction of God for us and all these came to my mind during the sermon:
1) Which ministry to serve? To be a missionary?
2) What kind of career? Furthering studies?
3) Future husband?
Before coming to LSBC, I was actually serving in Children Church in my old church at Church of Singapore (Marine Parade). I simply love kids, watching their innocent and cute smile always make my day. I know God had given me this special passion for children and so my direction was very clear when I decided to join the Young Arrows in LSBC in 2001. I have friends asking me why I did not consider serving youth but the truth is I did consider serving in the youth but I am very sure that I am not ready then... I remember that not many of them will consider joining Young Arrows because most of them think that that is a place for "Aunties" haha. At that point of time, I have the same thinking as most of them and I almost wanted to serve in the youth. I also feel that it will be fun serving in the ministry with my group of friends. However, God reminded me that Young Arrows is where I should be serving. I am happy that I have obeyed him because I really enjoy my 5 over years there. I have learnt a lot while serving in Children Church, I really thank God for the "aunties" and "uncles" who had moulded me over the years. I was reminded by Uncle Daniel Chew when he told me that I have changed from a girl who had a stage fright in front of "CHILDREN" to a lady who can stand in front of all the kids leading them to God's song. All glory to God!
Missionary? Interesting... haha. I always tell myself that I will want a husband who is a missionary, I will follow him to do mission. I remember during one of the workshop in church, we were told to take a few minutes and ask God what calling he have for us. Mission was what I heard, till now I am still not sure whether that is God's calling for me. I hope down the years, God will reveal it to me and show me a clearer sign.
As for my career, I was quite lost at the beginning after I graduate from poly. To continue my study or to start working? I did try to apply a few courses in UNI but was not being accepted. I also wanted to be a teacher but was rejected by NIE :( haha... I was getting discouraged at that time. But not to waste my time, I found a temp job at a European bank call Dexia Fund Services. At the same time, Ernie introduced me to Volkswagen, a German car company. I submitted my resume and the HR told me that they will contact me again, they also told me to leave my option open because they are not sure if they will want to employ another staff. Therefore, I was quite unsure whether I should look out for other jobs or to become the permanent staff in the current temp job. I then prayed to God for direction saying: Lord if this is your will, let me get the job. And I really did! That was how I ended up working in Volkswagen. I was even given the opportunity to further my studies that is sponsored by them. What a blessing!
Last but not least, this is yet another important part of my life, my the other half... Ok I admit that I have not been praying faithfully in this area. After hearing the sermon, I felt that I should start praying about this soon... Hahha, I need to get the correct answer from God on who is my future husband but I feel at least HE must have the following basic criteria:
1) Man of God
2) Houseman + career man
3) Cooks
4) Love kids, love me and my family
5) Sociable
6) Not boring and must have a bit sense of humour
He no need to be very rich la, I am willing to go through hardship with him. This is when you will treasure the realtionship more, haha ok I think I sound too sweet BUT i believe God will sure provide cos he will not let us suffer like what Pastor Derek Hong said. In addition, this is what I want to do with and for my future half:
1) Study the bible together
2) Go for mission trip together
3) Do the craziest thing together
4) Cooking and baking together (I would love to cook for him too!! haha)
5) Be his soulmate where he can pour out his worries and complains to
6) Be an encourager
However, I would not want to stick to him 24/7 and both of us MUST have our own breathing space. Lastly, both of us must be open, trust and have faith to each other.
Lord please continue to guide me when come to making cetain decision in my life. Let me be clearer of my direction and trust that the plans you have for me is prosper and not to harm me.....
Thank you for travelling with LSBC, I hope you have enjoyed your flight....
Posted by
9:25 AM
Bad news...
I was informed by my mother that my grandmother fell down from the stairs this afternoon and my heart just sanked and my mind was in a whirl... My mother and I was talking about it just now and both of us think that the reason of the fall was because one of her brother just passed away and another was hospitalised a few days ago, she was not at herself, she missed the step, had the fall and fractured her right arm. Thank God that it was nothing too too serious. Having hearing such news always affected me greatly especially when it is someone close and dear to me. I will always be reminded of the time when my dad pass away few years ago, but trust me, I have already let it go but somehow I will eventually think of my dad. I really thank God for sustaining my dad's life for around 8 yrs after he was dignosed cancer. He is actually a great testimony to my friends and people around me. 1996: My dad was diagnosed nose cancer, he fought this battle for 2-3 years and God healed him! 2000: He was dignosed liver cancer, fought the battle for 4 years and was called home on 23 Nov 2004. It was tough for the whole family then trying to pay off all the expensive hospital bills and withstanding the complainings from my dad cos of the pain. It was not easy and seeing him getting weaker day by day really broke our heart... However, all of us know that that is part of God's plan. We felt the peace in our heart when my dad was gone because we know that he is now safe in God's hand, not suffering anymore. When I heard the news of my grandmother, I got worried but at the same time I want to be strong so that I can be a support to my mother. I know that I need to be a strong Geraldine! I also know that worrying too much is useless and what I can do now is to pray and DON'T think too much... Therefore, whoever is reading this, please also join us in praying for her, pray that she will have peace in her heart and place all her worries unto Jesus.
Lord, let us have faith in you and trust that you will keep our grandmother safe in your arms.... Pray for the peace to be in my grandmother's heart and that you will be with her during this time of grieving. Pray that we will not worried so much and have a enjoyable trip in Taiwan! Destroy the negative thoughts in Jesus' Name right now and let us be strong like you. In JESUS name I pray, AMEN!
"We want to run to the altar and catch the fire, to stand in the gap between the living and the dead. Give us a heart of compassion and a world without vision, we will make a difference bringing hope to our land...."
Posted by
12:50 AM
Sunday, April 15, 2007
A great downpour...

Posted by
11:26 PM
Friday, April 13, 2007
Embarrassing scene!
I was in bus 51 from my workplace on my way to the new church office for BBGB camp meeting. As usual, I was feeling sleepy during the ride and I decided to take a nap. I guess I was too tired, after a while, my whole body sway to the left (was sitting at the ounce) and I nearly fall off my seat! That was so embarrassing and in my heart I was laughing to myself hee~! I can also imagine the people behind giggling and commenting about it but I pretended that nothing had happened. I closed my eyes so tightly and really pray very hard that the people around me will forget about this matter soon. This was my first time having such a big action in the bus, I was really dumbfounded and trust me, it was super duper paisei man! After that, I was wide awake for the rest of the journey and was making sure that I will not fall asleep and embarrassed myself again. lol!
Anway I reached church office at around 7.20pm, as that was my first time there, I took a quick tour around the office. I tell you, the layout is nice, clean and big! I kind of like that place especially the 2 big toilet sign O<= and O-< outside the Ladies and Gents haha.
That was my whole embarrassing scene, how I wish that I have sombody that I know sitting beside me ^-^.
Posted by
10:09 AM
Thursday, April 12, 2007
Movie Night...
Yesterday was a movie night out with some of the basketball boys (Zhu,James,Kar Jun, Weng Leong, Bea, Alex and Delia). I have not done this with them for quite a while and I really feel so good after hanging out with them each time. I remember months ago, we will never fail to meet up every Mon (for around 3 weeks) to catch a movie together and i can still remember that Zhu was not in police academy(Army) yet. Come to think of it, time passes real fast like the rocket, phoooo.... hee! I really enjoyed their company, joking and chatting with them; it really made my day. Anyway, we watched this movie called "Sunshine", it is a thriller cum scientific show. This movie is about a group of people (scientist, pychologist forgot liao) travelling on a spaceship to save the sun and mankind. I tell you, this show is super draining la, me and delia was convering ourselves half the time man. Some part are really too thrilling and exciting for me to take it, I was like so excited but thank God Zhu is beside me to take my beating and excitement haha... (sorry if I had affected you watching the movie).
So... after the movie, we went to the Carrefore sales at the ground floor. They are selling stuff like books, bags, household accessories etc.. at quite a cheap price. Delia bought this Deuter bag that cost 20 over bucks? That was really cheap man and you know what, Zhu and Karjun bought a remote control car, quite onz huh and they even plan to race against each other! Haha.
Right after that, we headed home. As usual, the whole lot of us will just joke, laugh and chat around along the way in the train. However, my night doesn't end so early :), I watched this movie called "Pursuit of Happiness" after my shower. This show is based on a true story talking about this guy name Chris Garner. He was married with a kid and both him and his wife is trying to meet its ends each day but latter left him because she just cannot stand that kind of life. (don't understand why would the wife do that? Oh well, I guess Im not in her shoe but seriously I will not do that to my future husband! *grin*). Chris Garner is a salesman who does not have a stable income, go around to different hospital trying to sell this bonesetter scanning machine. Even though life is tough, he still carry on and did not give up. He applied this internship at a financial company and was accepted. After all the hard work that he put, he was employed by this company and he even starts his own company later! I was like "Wow!" I was really inspired by him! That was a good show, you should try and watch it ^_^. Haha, ok my exciting night then ended at 1.15am. Indeed it was a great night!
I guess I have too much to say that I flooded this posting. I hope this remain so that I will not be san fen zhong re du. Ok I guess I have to stop here, nitezz...
P.S. Thank God for the wonderful week!
Posted by
5:19 PM
Opening Ceremony!
Welcome to my newly freshly baked blog! Haha lol! I never thot that I will have my own blog because I always think that it is quite a childish and boring thing to do. I have also friends asking me "Do you have blog?", "Why are you not having one?"... I always have the same answer -> "too lazy to write la..." haha!!
However, after reading so much from my friends' blog, I have the urged to pen down my own thoughts in this little corner of mine. I don't really know how long will this blog sustain but wadeva it is, I will try to update it regularly. :) Anyway, I would love to tell all my stories,exciting event, testimonies in this blog. Ah.... Im so so excited and I have simply too much to say and talk about! To my friends out there, do support me and give me your feedback on my postings!
- Miss Foo -
Posted by
4:07 PM