The weather is getting unpredictable in Singapore nowadays. On Friday, my 2 poly friends(Kelly and Limin) was so sweet to come down to Great World and had lunch with me. We were eating at the Zion market food centre and halfway through our meal came this great downpour. It was so sudden and I joked with my friend saying "haha I have the excuse not to go back to work already!" I am quite happy but at the same time was quite worried that my colleague will think that im eating snake. However, I did not care much since its Friday and my boss was not around hee... The rain actually gave me a opportunity to catch up with my friends since we had not been seeing each other for quite a while. I really enjoyed the time just sitting in the hawker, sharing our current happening life with each other. They are the one of the few whom I hanged out with during my years in Singapore Polytechnic. I really missed my poly life man, missing doing project, revision, shopping with all my poly frens... : Ha guess this is when you feel that you are getting OLDER!!! Reality is what we have to face :) After a while, the raining was getting us bored and then my friend suggested that I should ask my colleague to bring me an umbrella or else we will be stucked there for the whole afternoon. I was then thinking to myself why din I tink of tat?? Haha perhaps I just want to slack. Few minutes later, my kind colleague came and sheltered me back to the office. I must sae it din really help though cos I was half drenched! Ha ok, I think I shouldn't complain instead I should be more appreciative, sorry colleague! A Great downpour, Great lunch, Great company, Great colleague...

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