Monday, May 28, 2007
Twinkle Twinkle Little Star
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6:33 PM
Friday, May 25, 2007
You are my HEROINE!
Since yesterday, our system had some problems that we cannot solved so usually we will ask the people in India to assit us. They are the 2nd level while we are the 1st level supportting the SAP system. It was quite a big HU HA yesterday night because the error in the system affected countries like Singapore, Russia, Dubai, Korea, Japan, all the goods are in the warehouose waiting to be shipped out but it was being delayed cos of this problem. Therefore the 2nd level have to make some changes to the program, ok save the details, let me get straight to the point. Anyway, I was stuck in the office yesterday night for quite a while to wait for their call and confirmation that everything is ok. So... the battle was kind of over yesterday. However, there are still some minor changes needed to be done cos we are still receiving complains from our users. My boss was quite angry with the 2nd level support people because they are not professional enough and it kind of screwing up the system. She wrote this quite a long email to them, scolding and advising them. After reading the mail, I was like "WOW she is my HEROINE man" ONLY my boss is so brave to do this kind of thing and out of the sudden this song came to my mind (change the lyrics a bit or it will sound too mushy haha) :
Posted by
11:29 AM
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
In christ, we have the VICTORY!
Posted by
11:15 AM
Just got back from Lien's SoLead grad, a ministry course which she went thru for 9mths... It is something similiar to Tung Ling's grad, quite a grand affair. Each time I attend this kind of ceremony, the similiar question always appear in my mind "When is my turn?" I always wanted to go for Tung Ling Bible School but was not able to do it either because I have no money for that course back then or still bonded with my company at the moment. Sometimes I got this rash moment wanting to quit my job and stop my studies to attend Tung Ling. However, this is not what God wants me to do and of course I din do it :) Therefore I have told God that I will be going to Tung Ling right after I finish my bond with my company. This is a promise I made with God! The theme for tonight's graduation is PASSIONATE. The speaker talks about passionate about serving God just like apostle Paul who is one of the good example that is very passion in serving the Lord since the day he knew Jesus Christ. He perserve, having priority and knows his position as God's servant throughout his days on earth. I was quite inspired by today's message and I hope to have the kind of passion that what Paul had.
Posted by
12:12 AM
Thursday, May 17, 2007
Need PRAYER right now!
All my hairs are slowy standing up man... Right now, I have a lot of things on hand. I am in charge of planning the program for the "Royal Night" in our GB/BB camp on 1-3 June since I came up with the idea so naturally it will be in my charge but I am gladly receiving the arrow :) Ok, so this is something like "Prom Night" and all the boys and girls will be dressed in their best, we will have games/dinner etc... The most exciting part is that we will be choosing the Prince/Princess of Camp 2007... Haha, coool huh?? Next, I am going to plan the games in our Children Church's retreat, planning for the next YPM bonding on 30th June and a station master in our upcoming BB Bible Quiz, The S-WORD Play! In addition, I have my school assignments... Therefore, I am simply overwhelmed with everything. I am enjoying myself serving the Lord. I just need a lot of God's strength to sustain and support me or I will just explode and boo.. It will be quite bad, so please pray with me you brothers and sisters in christ reading my blog right now! Thank you!
"... I know my GOD is in control..."
PrInCesS Geraldine once again! Good night!
Posted by
11:54 PM
Monday, May 14, 2007
Spider man 3
Last sat, I went out with Kev see, Wanhui, Carol and bea for dinner at Bugis. We have "Ma La" steamboat, the meal was quite interesting! We have 2 different type of soup base, chicken and spicy. After a sip of the spicy soup, everybody was like shouting for help and kept drinking lots of water and eating the ice. I think that was quite funny man... haha. Carol eat until her whole lips are red and Wan Hui says that she looks like snow white because her complexion are quite fair and her lips are very red :), it was quite true man haha. Anyway, bea was having problem with her stomach after eating the steamboat, tink maybe the steamboat is too spicy already. She suddenly got up from her seat and went out to walk around. All of us are quite shock and getting a bit worried because she just went out without telling us where is she going. After few minutes, she came back with her face looking so pale man. Bea, seriously this is my first time seeing you with a pale look after drinking the spicy soup!! haha. Ok, so after a while she got up and went to the toilet... She came back perspiring and said to us "everything came out!" She gave a relief look... Really thank God!
Then after the dinner, all 4 of us girls went for Spider Man 3 movie in Bugis. Before the movie starts, as usual there will be lots of movie preview. There were so many movies I would want to watch man --> Pirates, Fantastic 4 Part 2, This animated show about rats teaching a human to cook?? Interesting huh?? This is what I like about watching advertisements before the movie, you can know all the upcoming movies. Spider Man 3 lasted for around 2Hr 20Mins. It was quite a good show, I quite like this show cos it is quite touching and meaningful... This movie teaches us that we have a choice in everything we do, wrong choice will lead to the wrong way while the right choice will lead us to the right path. This sounded quite blibical man, making a right choice is what God wants us to do! Overall, I enjoyed myself that evening, it was fun watching movie, eating and chatting with friends!
Posted by
11:00 AM
Saturday, May 12, 2007
Some Taiwan photos to share with all of you! Enjoy!

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1:02 PM
Friday, May 11, 2007
247, Alexandra Road
247, Alexandra Road? You should be wondering what on earth am I trying to say? Hahah, that is my new office address. It is located in between Queenstown and Redhill MRT. Before I moved into this new office, I kept complaining to my colleague because that place is like super "wu lu", not much life there and the only mall we have is Dawson Place. From the outside, Dawson Place looked really sad man... There are also not much things around that area except lots of car showroom. I was telling God, why are you moving us from Great World?? I know in my heart that God has every reasons to do that. Indeed God revealed to me the reasons!
signing off - princess Geraldine...
Posted by
3:20 PM
Tuesday, May 8, 2007
Chef Chan Restaurant
Due to the increase of our car parts sales, we have a mini celebration in this restaurant situated at Odeon Tower, next to Carlton Hotel on mon nite. Before going for the dinner, my colleague had already sent out an email saying that this Chef Chan is quite a famous chef among the Asia countries. He won like quite a lot of awards and was a chef in well-known singapore hotels like Pan Pacific and Hua Ting Restuarant in Orchard Hotel. He had since written his own cookbook and his third one is to be published somewhere this year! I heard his book is like costing $300 over man, that is so kua chang la! Now, he own his own restaurant but apparently it is going to close down at the end of May and will be opening a private restaurant. Hahah, when I was reading the email, I was thinking to myself "Oh man, I wonder if the food is gonna taste good? Why did my colleague proposed to have the celebration there? That is so weird!" Isn't that irony? He was so called to be famous but his restaurant is going to close down? I was so looking forward to the dinner man cos that email was quite interesting lol! So, we went to the restaurant and the dinner started at around 7.30pm. The restaurant ambience was not bad, it has this chi-na chi-na layout, with a lot of chinese couplet etc..., quite cosy... We were then served with the first dish - fried sotong. I took it and place into my mouth... Gosh, it is so delicious man, the outside is crispy and the inside is chewy. Are you drooling already? Hahha. Subsequently, we have soup, pork ribs, salted chicken, fish, veg, prawn, fried vermicili, sesame red bean thingy ha forgot wat is it called. So so so nice lor. I like the wasabi prawn, so unique and delicious. It was definitely a nice dinner, worth goin!
Posted by
8:42 PM
Sunday, May 6, 2007
Raindrops falling on my head...
It was raining for the last few days in Singapore.. I was on my way to work on this particular day and these few thoughts just came into my mind that describes the rain....
Rain is one of God's wonderful creation
The plattering sound seems melodious
When you closes your eyes, it seems so peaceful hearing it
You could see the sprouting of umbrella
Different colors, shapes and prints
It looks like flowers blomming everywhere
Interesting isn't it?
After the rain, there is this freshness
A clear sky once again
Beautiful rainbow appearing to bring a smile on one's face :)
I love rainy days expecially when you are at home under your blanket in the cosy corner of your bed! I always feel that rain will give a kind of romantic feeling. At times at home, whenever it rains, I will close my eyes and feel the cool breeze blowing towards my face. It feels so relaxing! I will also love to look out of my window, watching the raindrops. A beautiful scene indeed! Don't you agree? Heehee!
Thank you God for the wonderful creation!
Posted by
7:10 PM
Wednesday, May 2, 2007
Finally updatting my blog
Hello, haha I guess I have not been updating my blog for quite a while... Some of you have been asking me "You never update you blog ah??" I really want to update my blog and share some of the things with you guys but I was too busy in everything and so here I am updating my blog once again. Anyway, I just came back from Taiwan not long ago. I really enjoyed myself there, the shopping, sightseeing and food!! It's been so so long since our whole family travelled together, it is really a good time of catching up and fellowship considering all of us are so busy with our work, study etc... :)
In this trip, God is always with us and I am really thankful for HIM! On the day of the departure, as me and my elder sis booked the ticket through the internet, we need to produce the same credit card as what we have stated during the booking. As my mother was not aware about it, she did not bring out the similar card. When the counter staff told us that, all of us was like oppss.... We have 3 options and that is either to buy another 2 tickets which will cost much more expensive, go back home to get the card or STAY in Singapore! Hahha, obviously we will NOT choose the last option la.. In the end, my mother went back home with Vennie who is very nice to give us a lift. My mother was so worried man and from her face you can tell that she is feeling very bad because of that. God then reminded me that HE is with us and told me not to worry. I immediately called my mother and reassure that and asked her not to worry too much BECAUSE we still have a lot of time since we reached the airport like 2 1/2 hours early?. This is like all planned by God. Isn't God great? We were left with some time even after mum is back in the airport! All of us had passed the test that God had given us - PATIENCE and FAITH! ^_^ Because we believe HIM, all things are safe under his wings... This is a little testimony from me sharing with all you and hope that you will be reminded again of his LOVE, MERCY and GRACE! MuaCkS! Hee~ :P
So now let me share with you more of my trips... Let me tell you how many things that I bought from Taiwan :>
1) 10 over tops
2) 4 Skirts
3) 3 Bags
4) 6 pair of shoes
5) sunglasses
6) umbrella
7) earrings/accessories
8) Local food
Is that all?? Hahah nope, I have still some more things that I have bought for all my dear frens! If you ask me what is the one thing that I enjoyed the most out of this trip? I can tell you, I enjoyed my every single day there until that I don't feel like coming back man. One thing that I asked from God for the trip was to let every single day pass by very very slowly... God did answer my prayer hahah, it seems that we are there for 2 weeks!! Does it mean that I really enjoyed myself so much or is it that I am missing all my frens in Singapore??? I guess both la... The shopping and eating in their Ye Shi (night market) was a good expericen. There are like so much food, clothings, shoes, tops, bottoms etc.... If you are there, I think you will shop like crazy man. Anyway, we went to a lot of night market/shopping areas like Ximending, Shilin, Rao He, Shi Da, Wu Fen Pu, Dan Shui etc... Some of their shoes are like very cheap lor. I manage to get 2 working shoes at $9 each and is that nice looking kind one. Isn't that so worth? Usually, we just settle our dinner at the ye shi, we will walk and eat at the same time; We always got full eating in that manner cos there are like so many roadside foodstall and is also super delicious, oh gosh im drooling... :)
Another highlights is the ferris wheel that we sat on that very last night in Taiwan. It was quite magnificent and is cheap!! It cost around $7, can you imagine that Singapore is charging at $30?? We could see quite a nice view from the ferris wheel and I guess that it would be a romantic ride with your date... Opps, I think I have written far too much. However, I have actually more to share la but I think this posting is getting too long so I shall end here and will update and share more of my other happenings that I had the past few days. So stay tuned, cya!
Posted by
10:11 PM