As our Senior Pastor needs to recuperate after his jaw operation, Rev. Derek Hong (Church of our Saviour) kindly took over the sermon yesterday in our church. He titled his sermon "Knowing God's Will"; this is an interesting topic to most of us christian. There are a lot of areas that we need to know the will and direction of God for us and all these came to my mind during the sermon:
1) Which ministry to serve? To be a missionary?
2) What kind of career? Furthering studies?
3) Future husband?
Before coming to LSBC, I was actually serving in Children Church in my old church at Church of Singapore (Marine Parade). I simply love kids, watching their innocent and cute smile always make my day. I know God had given me this special passion for children and so my direction was very clear when I decided to join the Young Arrows in LSBC in 2001. I have friends asking me why I did not consider serving youth but the truth is I did consider serving in the youth but I am very sure that I am not ready then... I remember that not many of them will consider joining Young Arrows because most of them think that that is a place for "Aunties" haha. At that point of time, I have the same thinking as most of them and I almost wanted to serve in the youth. I also feel that it will be fun serving in the ministry with my group of friends. However, God reminded me that Young Arrows is where I should be serving. I am happy that I have obeyed him because I really enjoy my 5 over years there. I have learnt a lot while serving in Children Church, I really thank God for the "aunties" and "uncles" who had moulded me over the years. I was reminded by Uncle Daniel Chew when he told me that I have changed from a girl who had a stage fright in front of "CHILDREN" to a lady who can stand in front of all the kids leading them to God's song. All glory to God!
Missionary? Interesting... haha. I always tell myself that I will want a husband who is a missionary, I will follow him to do mission. I remember during one of the workshop in church, we were told to take a few minutes and ask God what calling he have for us. Mission was what I heard, till now I am still not sure whether that is God's calling for me. I hope down the years, God will reveal it to me and show me a clearer sign.
As for my career, I was quite lost at the beginning after I graduate from poly. To continue my study or to start working? I did try to apply a few courses in UNI but was not being accepted. I also wanted to be a teacher but was rejected by NIE :( haha... I was getting discouraged at that time. But not to waste my time, I found a temp job at a European bank call Dexia Fund Services. At the same time, Ernie introduced me to Volkswagen, a German car company. I submitted my resume and the HR told me that they will contact me again, they also told me to leave my option open because they are not sure if they will want to employ another staff. Therefore, I was quite unsure whether I should look out for other jobs or to become the permanent staff in the current temp job. I then prayed to God for direction saying: Lord if this is your will, let me get the job. And I really did! That was how I ended up working in Volkswagen. I was even given the opportunity to further my studies that is sponsored by them. What a blessing!
Last but not least, this is yet another important part of my life, my the other half... Ok I admit that I have not been praying faithfully in this area. After hearing the sermon, I felt that I should start praying about this soon... Hahha, I need to get the correct answer from God on who is my future husband but I feel at least HE must have the following basic criteria:
1) Man of God
2) Houseman + career man
3) Cooks
4) Love kids, love me and my family
5) Sociable
6) Not boring and must have a bit sense of humour
He no need to be very rich la, I am willing to go through hardship with him. This is when you will treasure the realtionship more, haha ok I think I sound too sweet BUT i believe God will sure provide cos he will not let us suffer like what Pastor Derek Hong said. In addition, this is what I want to do with and for my future half:
1) Study the bible together
2) Go for mission trip together
3) Do the craziest thing together
4) Cooking and baking together (I would love to cook for him too!! haha)
5) Be his soulmate where he can pour out his worries and complains to
6) Be an encourager
However, I would not want to stick to him 24/7 and both of us MUST have our own breathing space. Lastly, both of us must be open, trust and have faith to each other.
Lord please continue to guide me when come to making cetain decision in my life. Let me be clearer of my direction and trust that the plans you have for me is prosper and not to harm me.....
Thank you for travelling with LSBC, I hope you have enjoyed your flight....
Monday, April 16, 2007
KnOwing GOD's Will: A journey with Captain Jesus
Posted by
9:25 AM
Bad news...
I was informed by my mother that my grandmother fell down from the stairs this afternoon and my heart just sanked and my mind was in a whirl... My mother and I was talking about it just now and both of us think that the reason of the fall was because one of her brother just passed away and another was hospitalised a few days ago, she was not at herself, she missed the step, had the fall and fractured her right arm. Thank God that it was nothing too too serious. Having hearing such news always affected me greatly especially when it is someone close and dear to me. I will always be reminded of the time when my dad pass away few years ago, but trust me, I have already let it go but somehow I will eventually think of my dad. I really thank God for sustaining my dad's life for around 8 yrs after he was dignosed cancer. He is actually a great testimony to my friends and people around me. 1996: My dad was diagnosed nose cancer, he fought this battle for 2-3 years and God healed him! 2000: He was dignosed liver cancer, fought the battle for 4 years and was called home on 23 Nov 2004. It was tough for the whole family then trying to pay off all the expensive hospital bills and withstanding the complainings from my dad cos of the pain. It was not easy and seeing him getting weaker day by day really broke our heart... However, all of us know that that is part of God's plan. We felt the peace in our heart when my dad was gone because we know that he is now safe in God's hand, not suffering anymore. When I heard the news of my grandmother, I got worried but at the same time I want to be strong so that I can be a support to my mother. I know that I need to be a strong Geraldine! I also know that worrying too much is useless and what I can do now is to pray and DON'T think too much... Therefore, whoever is reading this, please also join us in praying for her, pray that she will have peace in her heart and place all her worries unto Jesus.
Lord, let us have faith in you and trust that you will keep our grandmother safe in your arms.... Pray for the peace to be in my grandmother's heart and that you will be with her during this time of grieving. Pray that we will not worried so much and have a enjoyable trip in Taiwan! Destroy the negative thoughts in Jesus' Name right now and let us be strong like you. In JESUS name I pray, AMEN!
"We want to run to the altar and catch the fire, to stand in the gap between the living and the dead. Give us a heart of compassion and a world without vision, we will make a difference bringing hope to our land...."
Posted by
12:50 AM
Sunday, April 15, 2007
A great downpour...

Posted by
11:26 PM
Friday, April 13, 2007
Embarrassing scene!
I was in bus 51 from my workplace on my way to the new church office for BBGB camp meeting. As usual, I was feeling sleepy during the ride and I decided to take a nap. I guess I was too tired, after a while, my whole body sway to the left (was sitting at the ounce) and I nearly fall off my seat! That was so embarrassing and in my heart I was laughing to myself hee~! I can also imagine the people behind giggling and commenting about it but I pretended that nothing had happened. I closed my eyes so tightly and really pray very hard that the people around me will forget about this matter soon. This was my first time having such a big action in the bus, I was really dumbfounded and trust me, it was super duper paisei man! After that, I was wide awake for the rest of the journey and was making sure that I will not fall asleep and embarrassed myself again. lol!
Anway I reached church office at around 7.20pm, as that was my first time there, I took a quick tour around the office. I tell you, the layout is nice, clean and big! I kind of like that place especially the 2 big toilet sign O<= and O-< outside the Ladies and Gents haha.
That was my whole embarrassing scene, how I wish that I have sombody that I know sitting beside me ^-^.
Posted by
10:09 AM
Thursday, April 12, 2007
Movie Night...
Yesterday was a movie night out with some of the basketball boys (Zhu,James,Kar Jun, Weng Leong, Bea, Alex and Delia). I have not done this with them for quite a while and I really feel so good after hanging out with them each time. I remember months ago, we will never fail to meet up every Mon (for around 3 weeks) to catch a movie together and i can still remember that Zhu was not in police academy(Army) yet. Come to think of it, time passes real fast like the rocket, phoooo.... hee! I really enjoyed their company, joking and chatting with them; it really made my day. Anyway, we watched this movie called "Sunshine", it is a thriller cum scientific show. This movie is about a group of people (scientist, pychologist forgot liao) travelling on a spaceship to save the sun and mankind. I tell you, this show is super draining la, me and delia was convering ourselves half the time man. Some part are really too thrilling and exciting for me to take it, I was like so excited but thank God Zhu is beside me to take my beating and excitement haha... (sorry if I had affected you watching the movie).
So... after the movie, we went to the Carrefore sales at the ground floor. They are selling stuff like books, bags, household accessories etc.. at quite a cheap price. Delia bought this Deuter bag that cost 20 over bucks? That was really cheap man and you know what, Zhu and Karjun bought a remote control car, quite onz huh and they even plan to race against each other! Haha.
Right after that, we headed home. As usual, the whole lot of us will just joke, laugh and chat around along the way in the train. However, my night doesn't end so early :), I watched this movie called "Pursuit of Happiness" after my shower. This show is based on a true story talking about this guy name Chris Garner. He was married with a kid and both him and his wife is trying to meet its ends each day but latter left him because she just cannot stand that kind of life. (don't understand why would the wife do that? Oh well, I guess Im not in her shoe but seriously I will not do that to my future husband! *grin*). Chris Garner is a salesman who does not have a stable income, go around to different hospital trying to sell this bonesetter scanning machine. Even though life is tough, he still carry on and did not give up. He applied this internship at a financial company and was accepted. After all the hard work that he put, he was employed by this company and he even starts his own company later! I was like "Wow!" I was really inspired by him! That was a good show, you should try and watch it ^_^. Haha, ok my exciting night then ended at 1.15am. Indeed it was a great night!
I guess I have too much to say that I flooded this posting. I hope this remain so that I will not be san fen zhong re du. Ok I guess I have to stop here, nitezz...
P.S. Thank God for the wonderful week!
Posted by
5:19 PM
Opening Ceremony!
Welcome to my newly freshly baked blog! Haha lol! I never thot that I will have my own blog because I always think that it is quite a childish and boring thing to do. I have also friends asking me "Do you have blog?", "Why are you not having one?"... I always have the same answer -> "too lazy to write la..." haha!!
However, after reading so much from my friends' blog, I have the urged to pen down my own thoughts in this little corner of mine. I don't really know how long will this blog sustain but wadeva it is, I will try to update it regularly. :) Anyway, I would love to tell all my stories,exciting event, testimonies in this blog. Ah.... Im so so excited and I have simply too much to say and talk about! To my friends out there, do support me and give me your feedback on my postings!
- Miss Foo -
Posted by
4:07 PM