It's been sometime since I blogged and maybe I am too lazy or there is nothing or too many things to blog about... Its been a roller coaster weeks and I can officially declare that I am REALLY stepping into adulthood. Haha, weird huh? But this doesn't mean that the old "crazy and funny" Geraldine is gone cos this is still part of my character. hehe! ;) What I meant is that it is time for me to get more mature in certain areas of my life; no more a junior in my company, the need to get more and more serious with my work so that my boss will not need to handhold me;a leader who can lead my sheep well in terms of balancing the way I relate to them when I joke and get serious with(haha this sounds scary ah?? have you met a serious Geraldine before?? lol!) I had a few chances to work with some teens/youth in church and I was even approached to mentor one of the youth! I was joking with Mel that it might be a stepping stone for me to join the youth ministry in the near future... It is quite interesting to work with them but maybe it is because I tend to show that I am a "chin chai" person that they almost climb over my head so therefore I want to be firm when need be. I am also going into another phase of adulthood dealing with stuff like finance, relationship and even for my future... I am starting to get a better understanding of what are the different type of insurance, savings plan and even investment which I feel that that needs proper planning and thinking. It is no longer a "depend" on mummy to decide. I have to make certain important decision in my life now! All these things seem to be very overwhelming and one cannot lean on his own understanding and strength. This is when we need God to come in to guide us... However, I feel that we cannot just speak without action. We also need to spend enough time with God reading His word so that we are able to know Him personally and to be the "Jesus" first christian. Nowadays, whenever situation happen, I will ask myself this qns "If Jesus was here, what will he do?" This makes me have a better understanding of the problem that I am facing and I am able to appease my anger and change my assumption... Even though there's a lot of ups and downs in life, I want to thank God for every single thing that He has blessed me. Those are things that I do not want to take granted of and why make life so miserable when we have a BIG God? Instead of telling others how big your problem is, why not tell others how BIG our God is? Like what today's sermon had said, let's continue to have the fighting spirit and the perseverance while training under pressure! AMEN!
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Sunday, August 3, 2008
The Grandma "operation"
Just got back from the longest Sunday dinner not long ago. It ended around 9.30pm and which normally will end before 9pm so as to catch C.S.I in AXN. We have an important mission today that is to share testimonials to my grandma and at the same time convincing her to get baptised. We are not trying to force her because in her mind she had already decided to get baptized except that there are some thoughts in her mind that caused her to be a bit confused. Its a joyful sight to see all of my aunties, uncle and my mummy sharing the gospel with my grandma. I thank God for letting my aunties and mum to know about Him and this will not happen without His great intervention and timing! My grandma finally agreed to be baptized on the 30th August in our church! Praise the Lord! It is worth the praying and all the effort put in! It is so amazing how God uses people for different purpose and in His timing! I pray that God will continue to guard my grandma's heart and that she is able to find peace in Him. Pray that God will remove any confusion or worries in her, AMEN! MISSION ACCOMPLISHED:)
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11:48 PM
Saturday, August 2, 2008
NDP Preview 2008
By God's blessing, me and mel manage to get the ticket from mel gan to the NDP preview at the Marina Bay today! It was our first NDP show together as a couple and the feeling was really different haha. This was my first time watching NDP in Marina bay apart from the several times I had in Kallang stadium last many years... It was a spectacular show today especially the bombastic firework that is in front of my eyes, the highlight of the day!! It was so nice and romantic. :) I was also in awed by the display of the Black Knights and the various aircraft performance. The Black Knights drew a "Heart" in the sky which I thought that was really a job well done. The goodie bag is also quite cool. It is a recycled bag with cool stuff like a big air glove(which we give Hi-5 to each other using that), big packet of crackers, shopping vouchers, Singapore flag etc... I really enjoyed myself tonight and seeing all the different people coming together to celebrate national day reminds me the word "UNITY". It is this that brings all of us together as One People, One Nation, One Singapore. This is what God will want to see us as christian, to be united and bring people to His kingdom so as to bring glory to His name! I pray that Singapore will continue to prosper, pray for a good government, the compassion in us for the poor and needy and also to claim all the salvations of the people in Singapore. AMEN!
p.s.:will be posting all nice fotos taken today soon so stay tuned...(",)
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11:33 PM