I just got back my last semester module results and nothing can contain my happiness! I feel like jumping and running around the classroom but obviously I did not do that. Haha ^_^! The first thing I want to do is to share with all of you guys!
I was browsing through my uni student intranet and then I thought of checking whether my module results are out. I went into the examination corner, click on the result link. Usually, before I clicked that link, I will feel my thumping heart because I know that the result will be displayed in just split seconds. However, this time round, it feels a bit different. I was not expecting to see the result on the screen because normally they will send us an email to inform us that the result are released. Since I have not received the email, I was not expecting much. Think this could be the reason... Then before I know it, there came popping up of the screen which shows my result. I saw a C and D! A tiny weeny bit of disappointment went through my heart cos I thought I could at least get a B but was thinking to myself: ok its not bad already, at least I have made an improvement considering that I always only get a PASS for the past 3 modules. I looked at my GPA on the result slip, C-2.0 and D-3.0. It then struck me, how in the world that a Grade D GPA points is higher than a C??? After a short thought, I concluded that maybe the RMIT system is different from what we have in the Poly. Couldn't care much, I closed the window and get ready for my class. Being curiousity on what is the range of marks in terms of C and D, I turned to my textbook. To my surprise, C stands for Credit(which is equal to a B) with marks ranges from 60-69 and D stands for DISTINCTION!! My mind freezed for a second then slowly reorganising my thoughts. THEN I realise D is a DISTINCTION!!! That explains why the GPA points is higher! Haha blur me...
Hee~ I got a distinction Distinction DISTINCTION!!! I was like so happy and happy and happy man! This is my first Distinction appearing in my UNI course, it was not easy to get a DISTINCTION in RMIT because you have to do well for both assignments and exam with each stand 50% of the overall mark. I know it is the grace of God that I pulled through, Thank You Daddy! I was also happy that I got a Credit for one of the module because that was the paper that I did not manage to finish; getting a Credit is a MIRACLE! Therefore I promised myself to continue to work hard for my rest of the modules. Please do continue to keep me in prayer yah??
In God's Grace, there is mercy and kindness...
Princess Geraldine @ Class... :)
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
I got back my results!!
Posted by
8:12 PM
Thursday, June 7, 2007
Ok I was sick yesterday and today, this started yesterday afternoon in the office. My head was spinning yesterday so I took 1 pill of panadol. I thought I will feel better after eating the pill but NO!! My whole body was then getting weaker and feeling very dizzy and then I took another pill. Yesterday was a farewell dinner for a colleague of mine and I would not want to miss it because they have already booked for that number of people so I told myself I will go for an hour and will go home after that. I really pray very hard and told God whatever it is, to sustain me and let me carry on at least 1 hour in the dinner. We went to this wine network place where they sells premium white and red wine from all over countries like Italy, Germany, Africa, New Zealand etc... The first hour was good, I was feeling a bit better. Haha I even took around 3 glasses of white and red wine. I don't know what am I thinking yesterday nite man, I was not feeling well and I took wine?? Haha ok its my fault!!! Anyway around 9pm, I could not take it already and so I went home. When I reached home, I have a quick shower and went to sleep. After a while, I woke up having my whole body feeling very hot, I think my temperature is like reaching 38 degree or more lor. I was so feeling unwell, asked my sis, Jasmine to get towel for me to bring down the temperature. She was very sweet, she made honey water and help me to put some medicated oil on my forehead. I ate another pill of panadol and fell asleep again BUT this was not the end yet!!! I woke up again, still feeling feverish and very uncomfortable. My mum came back, scolded me saying that because of my late nites and that is why I fall sick... Oh well, it is true la so I did not say anything when she scolded me... : After that, I ate another pill, I tell you never in my life I took 3 fever pills in one day man! I went back to sleep, this time round feeling much better but I still woke up quite a few times feeling very very uncomfotable. I really feel like as if i am going to die, the feeling was really unbearable!!! I prayed and I sob and I am alive once again!! Haha, at that time I was thinking if I am feeling this way, how about those people who are battling with cancer and illness?? I salute to all of them, the mighty warriors!!! Anyway, still having a bit of fever so shant talk so much...
- Sick and Weak Princess Geraldine -
Posted by
7:30 PM
Wednesday, June 6, 2007
Today is yet another working day... :) I have just finish lunching with my colleagues at the food court in Dawson Place. We ate chi cha, ordered curry fish head, kang kong, claypot tofu, sweet and sour pork. It was nice and delicious, I was so full and I really feel like sleeping after that. It was quite a good time chatting and joking with all of them over lunch. After that, we went to our fave. hang out place. Make a guess? Hahah, it is actually NTUC lol! I tell you this is our everyday after lunch entertainment haha man, dun play play ok whaha! Ok, so we bought a few packets of tidbits to top up our mini pantry which is located at my desk haha. Since I came back with my Taiwan food, my place become a mini pantry. During tea time, my colleagues will just come to my desk, eat the tidbits and we will exchange small chats. This is a good social time and it is when our friendship grow deeper. I must say without the entertainment from my colleagues, I will be bored to death in the office. Thank God for colleagues!
- Back to Work... -
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2:33 PM